Kamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510A
  • Kamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510AKamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510A
  • Kamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510AKamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510A
  • Kamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510AKamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510A
  • Kamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510AKamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510A
  • Kamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510AKamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510A
  • Kamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510AKamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510A

Kamera PTZ HD Full HD Series UV510A

HD Full, Sudut Wide Wide, Multi-protokol, Multiple Video Interface, Multi-lensa
Seri UV510A Full HD PTZ Camera nyedhiyakake fungsi sing sampurna, kinerja sing unggul lan antarmuka sing sugih. Fitur kasebut kalebu algoritma pangolahan ISP canggih kanggo nyedhiyakake gambar sing jelas kanthi jero, resolusi dhuwur, lan rendition warna sing hebat. Ndhukung enkoding H.264 / H.265 sing nggawe video gerakan lancar lan jelas sanajan kurang saka kondisi bandwidth sing ideal.

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Kamera UV510A seri Full HD PTZ

HD Full, Sudut Wide Wide, Multi-protokol, Multiple Video Interface, Multi-lensa

The Kamera UV510A seri Full HD PTZ offers perfect functions, superior performance and rich interfaces. The features include advanced ISP processing algorithms to provide vivid images with a strong sense of depth, high resolution, and fantastic color rendition. It supports H.264/H.265 encoding which makes motion video fluent and clear even under less than ideal bandwidth conditions.

Fitur Utama

.Gambar definisi Dhuwur
UV510A nggunakake sensor CMOS berkualitas tinggi 1 / 2,8 inci. Resolusi nganti 1920x1080 kanthi tingkat pigura nganti 60fps.
Lensa Zoom Optik Multiple
5X, 10X, 12X, 20X, 30X lan lensa zoom optik liyane kanggo pilihan. Lensa nganggo sudut amba 83,7 ° tanpa distorsi.
. Teknologi fokus otomatis gambar Trinitas
Fokus karo proses gambar sing cerdas, kanggo nyedhiyakake imbangan putih otomatis (AWB), cahya otomatis (AE), fungsi fokus otomatis (AF), kanthi otomatis adaptasi karo lingkungan, kanggo entuk efek gambar sing paling apik, pangaturan otomatis gambar trinitas sing sampurna.
.Mimpin Teknologi Fokus Otomatis
Algoritma fokus otomatis utama ndadekake lensa dadi fokus otomatis kanthi cepet, akurat lan stabil.
.Singet Low and SNR Dhuwur
CMOS Noise Rendah kanthi efektif njamin SNR video kamera sing dhuwur. Teknologi pangurangan swara 2D / 3D majeng uga digunakake kanggo nyuda swara, nalika njamin ketajaman gambar.
. Antarmuka Output Audio Multiple
Dhukungan HDMI, SDI, USB, LAN Kabel, LAN Nirkabel (modul 5G WiFi lan POE opsional). SDI ndhukung ngirim 100 meter ing format 1080P60.
. Antarmuka Input Audio
Dhukungan 8000, 16000, 32000, 44100, 48000 frekuensi sampling lan AAC, MP3, kode audio G.711A.
.Kompresi Audio / Video Multiple
Dhukungan kompresi video H.264 / H.265; Kompresi audio AAC, MP3 lan G.711A; Dhukungan resolusi kompresi nganti 1920x1080 kanthi pigura nganti 60fps.
.Antuk Protokol Jaringan Multiple
Dhukungan protokol ONVIF, GB / T28181, RTSP, RTMP lan mode push RTMP, sing gampang ngubungake server media streaming (Wowza, FMS), mode multicast RTP lan protokol kontrol VISCA komando jaringan lengkap.
. Antarmuka Kontrol Multiple
RS485, RS232. RS232 ndhukung fungsi kaskade, sing gampang dipasang.
Protokol Kontrol Multiple
Dhukungan protokol VISCA, PELCO-D, PELCO-P lan protokol identifikasi otomatis.
.Pencet tenan PTZ
Ngadopsi mekanisme nyopir langkah motor lan kontrol motor drive kanthi presisi tinggi yaiku supaya PTZ bisa lancar kanthi cepet lan tanpa swara.
.Fungsi Turu Rendah
Dhukungan turu / tangi kanthi daya sithik, konsumsi luwih murah tinimbang 400mW sajrone mode turu.
.Setelan Pratelan
Dhukungan 255 posisi prasetel (remot kontrol disetel dadi posisi 10 preset).
.Kontrol Remote Multiple
Pangguna bisa milih remot kontrol inframerah utawa remot nirkabel miturut kahanan lingkungan.2.4G nirkabel nirkabel kontroler ora kena pengaruh saka amba, jarak utawa infrared.
.Lapisan sing jembar
Tele-pendidikan, Jupuk Kuliah, Webcasting, Konferensi Video, Tele-pelatihan, Tele-medicine, Interogasi lan sistem prentah Darurat.

Pesenan No.

Spesifikasi Teknis









1 / 2,8 inci sensor HD CMOS berkualitas tinggi

Piksel Efektif

16: 9,2.07 megapiksel

Format Video

Format video HDMI / SDI / HDBaseT

1080P60 / 50/30/25 / 59.94 / 29.97; 1080I60 / 50 / 59.94; 720P60 / 50/30/25 / 59.94 / 29.97

Format video antarmuka U3:

1) U3: 1920X1080P60 / 50/30/25; 1280X720P60 / 50/30/25; 960X540P30; 640X360P30; 640X480P30; 352X288P30; 800X600P30;

2) U3 kompatibel karo U2: 960X540P30; 640X360P30; 1280X720P10 / 15; 720X576P50; 720X480P60; 640X480P30; 352X288P30; 800X600P30.

Format video U2interface:

176x144 / 320x240 / 320x180 / 352x288 / 640x480 / 720x480 / 720x576 /

640x360 / 800X600 / 960X540 / 1024X576 / 1024X768 / 1280X720 / 1920X1080P30 / 25/20/15/10/5



fase 3.1~15.5mm


gambar 4.7~47mm


duwur 3.9ï46ž46.8mm


f 5,5~110mm


kira-kira 4.3~129mm

Ndeleng Angle

20 ° (tele) - 83,7 ° (jembar)

6.43 ° (tele) - 60.9 ° (jembar)

6.3 ° (tele) - 72.5 ° (jembar)

3,3 ° (tele) - 54,7 ° (jembar)

2,34 ° (tele) â € ”65.1 ° (jembar)


F1.8 â € “F2.8

F1.6 â € “F3.0

F1.8 â € “F2.4

F1.6 â € “F3.5

F1.6 â € “F4.7

Zoom Digital


Pencahayaan Minimal

0,5Lux (F1.8, AGC ON)


2D & 3D DNR

Keseimbangan Putih

Otomatis / Manual / OnePush / 3000K / 3500K / 4000K / 4500K / 5000K / 5500K / 6000K / 6500K / 7000K


Fokus push otomatis / Manual / Siji

Aperture / Rana Elektronik

Otomatis / Manual




OFF / Pangaturan tingkat dinamis

Pangaturan Video

Padhang, Werna, saturasi, Kontras, Ketajaman, mode B / W, kurva Gamma


> 55dB

Antarmuka Input / Output


Model UV510A-ST: SDI, HDMI, LAN, RS232 (input & output), RS485, A-IN, NDI (opsional)

Model UV510A-U2: USB2.0, LAN, RS232 (input & output), A-IN

Model UV510A-U3: USB3.0, LAN, RS232 (input & output), A-IN

Model UV510A-HD: HDBaseT (POE), LAN, A-IN, RS232 (input)

Model UV510A-HM: HDMI, LAN, RS232 (input)

Model UV510A-U2U3: USB2.0, USB3.0, HDMI, LAN, RS232 (input)

Model UV510A-RF: WiFi (RF), LAN

Antarmuka Output Video

HDMI, SDI, LAN (POE kanggo opsi), USB3.0, USB2.0

Alur Gambar

Output stream kaping pindho

Format Kompresi Video

H.264, H.265

Protokol Kontrol

VISCA / Pelco-D / Pelco-P; BaudRate: 115200/9600/4800 / 2400bps

Antarmuka Input Audio

A-IN: Linearinput 3.5mm track pindho

Format Kompresi Audio

AAC / MP3 / G.711A

Antarmuka Jaringan

100M IPport (100BASE-TX), 5G WiFi (opsional)

Protokol Jaringan

RTMPS, RTSP, RTMP, ONVIF, GB/T28181, Network VISCA Protokol Kontrol, Support remote upgrade, reboot and reset.

Kontrol Antarmuka

RS232 (input & output), RS485

Antarmuka Daya

Stopkontak HEC3800 (DC12V), soket udara tahan air 2pin (model RF)

Adaptor Daya

Input: AC110V-AC220V; Output: DC12V / 1.5A

Tegangan input

DC12V ± 10%

Input saiki

1A (Maksimal)

Konsumsi Daya

12W (Maksimal)

Parameter RF

Rentang frekuensi operasi

5.1â € ”5,9 (GHz)

Kirimake kekuwatan


Bandwith bandwidth


Mode modulasi


Jarak transmisi

â ‰ ¤300m (ruangan tanpa blokir), â ‰ ¤150m (Njero ruangan tanpa blokir)

Tingkat data transmisi

Maks 300Mbps (Ditemtokake kanthi jarak transmisi lan channeloccupancy)

Mode anti-gangguan

Pilihan mode saluran manual / otomatis

Parameter PTZ

Pan / TiltRotation

± 170 °, -30 ° +½ž + 90 °

Kacepetan Kontrol Pan

0,1 -60 ° / detik

Tilt Kacepetan Kontrol

0,1-30 ° / detik

Kacepetan Preset

Pan: 60 ° / detik, Miring: 30 ° / detik

Nomer Pratelan

255 prasetel (10 prasetel byremote controller)

Parameter liyane

Suhu sing disimpen

-10â „ƒï½ž + 60â„ ƒ

Kelembapan sing disimpen

20%% 95

Suhu Makarya

-10â „ƒï½ž + 50â„ ƒ

Asor Makarya

20%% 80


150mm × 150mm × 167.5mm

Bobot (sekitar)



Njero ruangan



Powerpply, kabel kontrol RS232, kabel sambungan USB3.0 (model U3), Kabel sambungan USB2.0 (model U2), Kontrol jarak jauh, Manual pangguna

Aksesoris Opsional

Langit-langit / Mount Wall (Biaya Tambahan)


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